Board meeting

School Board Meeting
Board meeting
6/22/2022, 5:00 PM 8:00 PM
140 Pine Hill Road, Wolfeboro Falls, NH, 03896

​​The School Board shall be composed of an odd number of members elected by qualified voters of the District at elections held in March. The term of office of each member of the School Board shall be for a period of three (3) years. 
The School Board permits the addition of a non-voting student member. The school board shall organize annually at its first meeting following District elections.  The school board shall meet on regularly scheduled nights, to be determined at the organizational meeting.  The board will elect officers and establish committees for the year.

The board is responsible to the people for whose benefit the school district has been established.  Further, the board's current decisions will influence the course of education in the district's schools for years to come.  By virtue of this responsibility, the board and each of its members must look to the future and to the needs of all people more than the average citizen finds necessary.  This requires a comprehensive perspective and long-range planning in addition to attention to immediate problems.

The board's primary responsibility is to establish those policies, programs, and procedures, which will foster the greatest educational achievement while wisely managing the district's resources.  The board must fulfill these responsibilities by functioning primarily as a legislative body to formulate and adopt policy, by selecting an executive officer to implement policy, and by evaluating the results.

In accordance with these principles, the board shall work to achieve the following goals:
To concentrate the board's collective effort on its policy making and planning responsibilities.
To formulate board policies, which best serve the educational interests of each student.
To provide the superintendent with sufficient and adequate guidelines for implementing board policies.
To maintain effective communication with the public, staff, and students in order to maintain awareness of ideas and opinions.
To conduct board business openly.

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